- 教学评论
窗前明月光 -
2020-11-30 贴壁型肺癌的诊断及鉴别 [查看全文]
wangpeina -
2020-11-17 常见的良性宫颈腺性病变及原位腺癌 [查看全文]
dingdingxu.. -
2020-11-05 网状纤维染色在骨髓增殖性肿瘤等疾病病理诊.. [查看全文]
1833951111.. -
2020-10-26 宫颈鳞状上皮病变 [查看全文]
wy1992 -
2020-10-05 罗杰老师系列讲座(八):诊断嗅神经母细胞.. [查看全文]
Olfactory neuroblastoma. A Lobules of tumour separated by fibrovascular septa. B The lobules of tumour are separated by dense fibrovascular tissue. A large pseudorosette (Homer Wright) shows a central area of neurofibrillary matrix. C A high grade olfactory neuroblastoma showing a true Flexner-Wintersteiner rosette and increased mitotic figures. D The "small blue round cell" neoplasm has scant cytoplasm surrounding variably hyperchromatic nuclei. Granular nuclear chromatin can be seen. Mitotic f
wy1992 -
2020-10-05 罗杰老师系列讲座(八):诊断嗅神经母细胞.. [查看全文]
Olfactory neuroblastoma. A Tumour lobules separated by a highly vascularized stroma. B Olfactory neuroblastoma accompanied by the hyperplasia of the olfactory epithelium.
wy1992 -
2020-10-05 罗杰老师系列讲座(八):诊断嗅神经母细胞.. [查看全文]
Olfactory neuroblastoma Definition A malignant neuroectodermal tumour thought to originate from the olfactory membrane of the sinonasal tract.
wy1992 -
2020-10-05 罗杰老师系列讲座(八):诊断嗅神经母细胞.. [查看全文]
Ewing sarcoma (EWS) / Primitive neuroectodermal tumour (PNET) Definition A high-grade, primitive, round cell tumour of neuroectodermal phenotype. EWS and PNET represent a group of small round cell neoplasms with variable degrees of neuroectodermal differentiation, and are considered together in this section under the rubric of EWS/PNET.
wy1992 -
2020-10-05 罗杰老师系列讲座(八):诊断嗅神经母细胞.. [查看全文]
Table 1.6 Hyams’ histologic grading system for olfactory neuroblastoma Microscopic Features Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Architecture Lobular Lobular ±Lobular ±Lobular Pleomorphism Absent to Slight Present Prominent Marked Neurofibrillary matrix Prominent Present May be present Absent Rosettes Present* Present* May be present** May be present** Mitoses Absent Present Prominent Marked Necrosis Absent Absent Present Prominent Glands May be present May be present May be present May be present Ca
华夏病理 -
2020-09-28 分化不确定的软组织瘤样病变和良性肿瘤 [查看全文]