引物保存在高浓度的状况下比较稳定。引物一般配制成10-50pmol/ul。一般情况下,建议将引物的浓度配制成50pmol/ul,加水的体积(微升)按下列方式计算:V (微升)= OD数*(乘)33 *(乘)*(乘)20000 / (除) 引物的分子量。引物的分子量可以从合成报告单上获得。如果需要配制成其他浓度,按上述公式换算。
注意:1 OD260= 33 ug/ml.
长度为25mer以下的引物,Tm计算公式为:Tm = 4℃(G + C)+ 2℃(A + T)
Tm = 81.5 + 16.6 x Log10[Na+] + 0.41 (%GC) – 600/size
公式中,Size = 引物长度。
Tm的定义:Tm = Temperature at which 50% of a given oligonucleotide is hybridized to its complementary strand. In the absence of destabilizing agents, like formamide or urea, Tm will depend on 3 major parameters: The sequence: a GC-rich sequence has a higher melting temperature. The strand concentration: high oligonucleotide concentrations favor hybrid formation, which results in a higher melting temperature. The salt concentration: high ionic strength results in a higher Tm as cations stabilize the DNA duplexes.